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Power supplies

Power adapters are designed to deliver consistent power to your guitar pedal.
Power supplies come in a wide range of voltages to give you exactly what you need.

Macdaddy Music carries a variety of power supplies from brands such as Electro-Harnonix, Voodoolab, Dunlop, Rocktron, and Mission Engineering.

  • MXR ISO-Brick Pro Power Supply MXR ISO-Brick Pro Power Supply

    MXR ISO-Brick Pro Power Supply

    MXR ISO-Brick Pro Power Supply FREE shipping in the USA!The MXR Iso-Brick Pro Power Supply delivers clean, steady voltages to a diverse range of pedal types in a sleek form factor so that you can confidently power your entire board without any extra...
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  • Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 Plus Power Supply Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 Plus Power Supply

    Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 Plus Power Supply

    The Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 3 Plus Power Supply. FREE shipping in the USA! The Pedal Power 3 series is the first lightweight, high current, international voltage power supply to deliver zero-noise performance. Its innovative Hybrid DC transformer design...
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  • Electro-Harmonix S8 Multi-Output Power Supply Electro-Harmonix S8 Multi-Output Power Supply

    Electro-Harmonix S8 Multi-Output Power Supply

    Electro-Harmonix S8 Multi-Output Power Supply FREE shipping in the USA!  If you're tired of noise in your signal chain and if you want to be sure your carefully selected pedals are getting consistent current for their best performance, the EHX S8...
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  • MXR M239 Mini Iso-Brick Power Supply MXR M239 Mini Iso-Brick Power Supply

    MXR M239 Mini Iso-Brick Power Supply

    MXR M239 Mini Iso-Brick Power Supply FREE shipping anywhere in the USA! Small Brick, Big Power Whether you need a space-saving solution for your downsized travel board or you just need to power a small, carefully curated selection of...
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  • Voodoo Lab Pedal Power X4 9v Power Supply Voodoo Lab Pedal Power X4 9v Power Supply

    Voodoo Lab Pedal Power X4 9v Power Supply

    The Voodoo Lab Pedal Power X4 9v Power Supply. FREE shipping in the USA! Pedal Power® X4 is a professional isolated power supply for up to four battery operated or high curren t DSP effects. Housed in an ultra-compact aluminum chassis, the virtually...
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  • Mission Engineering 529 USB Power Supply Mission Engineering 529 USB Power Supply

    Mission Engineering 529 USB Power Supply

    Mission Engineering 529 USB Power Supply FREE shipping in the USA! The Mission 529 is the worlds first USB power converter for effects pedals. Power up to five pedals directly from a portable battery pack, phone charger or computer. Four isolated...
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  • MXR M-238 Iso Brick Isolated Power Supply

    MXR M-238 Iso Brick Isolated Power Supply

    MXR M-238 Iso Brick Isolated Power Supply FREE shipping anywhere in the USA! Due to dealer agreements, we're unable to ship this item outside of the USA. Please click here for more details. The MXR Iso-Brick Power Supply is small and light with tons...
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  • Electro-Harmonix US9.6DC-200 9v Power Supply Electro-Harmonix US9.6DC-200 9v Power Supply

    Electro-Harmonix US9.6DC-200 9v Power Supply

    The Electro-Harmonix US9.6 DC-200 9v power supply. This is the power supply used by Electro-Harmonix for the majority of their current production pedals, as well as a direct replacement for many other stomp boxes on the market including most Boss,...
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  • Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Mondo Power Supply

    Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Mondo Power Supply

    The Voodoo Lab Pedal Power Mondo Power Supply. FREE shipping in the USA! Due to dealer agreements, we're unable to ship this item outside of the USA. Please click here for more details. Pedal Power MONDO is a high-current capable power supply that can...
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  • Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 4x4 Power Supply

    Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 4x4 Power Supply

    Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 4x4 Power Supply FREE shipping in the USA! Due to dealer agreements, we're unable to ship this item outside of the USA. Please click here for more details. Pedal Power 4x4 is a linear (analog) power supply that can properly...
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  • Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus Power Supply

    Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus Power Supply

    The Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus Power Supply. FREE shipping in the USA! Due to dealer agreements, we're unable to ship this item outside of the USA. Please click here for more details. Filter, regulate, isolate, and protect! Pedal Power 2 Plus does...
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  • Voodoo Lab Pedal Power ISO-5 Power Supply

    Voodoo Lab Pedal Power ISO-5 Power Supply

    The Voodoo Lab Pedal Power ISO-5 Power Supply. FREE shipping in the USA! Due to dealer agreements, we're unable to ship this item outside of the USA. Please click here for more details. Pedal Power ISO-5 is an isolated power supply for powering guitar...
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  • Godlyke Power-All 9v Single Power Supply

    Godlyke Power-All 9v Single Power Supply

    The PA-9 Power-All is the world’s first 2000 mA, single outlet power supply designed specifically for guitar effect users. Don’t waste money on batteries or take up valuable space with multiple “wall wart” adaptors or power bricks...
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  • MXR Custom Audio Electronics MC-403 Power System

    MXR Custom Audio Electronics MC-403 Power System

    MXR Custom Audio Electronics MC-403 Power System FREE shipping in the USA! Due to dealer agreements, we're unable to ship this item outside of the USA. Please click here for more details. The MC-403 Power System—the latest collaboration between...
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  • Godlyke Power-All Deluxe Kit 9v Power Supply

    Godlyke Power-All Deluxe Kit 9v Power Supply

    Power your pedals from a single power supply! The PA-9 Power-All is the world’s first 2000 mA, single outlet power supply designed specifically for guitar effect users. Don’t waste money on batteries or take up valuable space with multiple...
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  • Godlyke Power-All Basic Kit 9v Power Supply

    Godlyke Power-All Basic Kit 9v Power Supply

    The PA-9 Power-All is the world’s first 2000 mA, single outlet power supply designed specifically for guitar effect users. Don’t waste money on batteries or take up valuable space with multiple “wall wart” adaptors or power bricks...
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  • Dunlop ECB004 18v AC Adapter Dunlop ECB004 18v AC Adapter

    Dunlop ECB004 18v AC Adapter

    The Dunlop ECB004 is an 18v DC 1000mA power supply that will power a variety of Dunlop and MXR effects as well as a wide variety of other effects that require an 18v DC power supply.Specs:- Input: 100-240v  AC 50-60hZ 0.6A- Output: 18v DC 500mA Due...
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  • Rocktron 9v AC Wall Adapter

    Rocktron 9v AC Wall Adapter

    Rocktron 9v AC Wall Adapter The Rocktron 9v AC Wall Adapter is used for the Xpression, Blue Thunder, MIDI Mate, All Access, All Access LTD, Banshee, HUSH Super C, Gainiac 2, and Intellifex. • 2000mA/2.5mm barrel• Europe version is part number...
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  • MXR M-237 DC Brick Power Supply

    MXR M-237 DC Brick Power Supply

    MXR DC Brick power supply FREE shipping anywhere in the USA! Due to dealer agreements, we're unable to ship this item outside of the USA. Please click here for more details. Keep your bass or guitar pedals powered all night long with the MXR DC Brick,...
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What you need to know about power supplies for guitar effects pedals:

Choosing the right power supply is vital. You need to make sure that you are not choosing a power supply that will over power and damage your effects pedals. Choosing a power supply that has too high of voltage can cause the electronic components to fry and burn.

Macdaddy Music carries a variety of power supplies to help you get consistent power when you need it. We have power supplies for any guitar pedal you have.

Some factors to consider when choosing a power supply for your guitar pedal:

There are three main considerations when choosing a power supply.

What are your pedal's power requirements?

The majority of pedals on the market use an identical power supply that works easily from one to the next, but if you use that same power supply on the wrong pedal you can damage it.

For example, most pedals from MXR and Electro-Harmonix will use a standard 9V center negative 2.1 mm barrel plug power supply, but if you try to use that same power supply on the Source Audio Ventris Reverb pedal you will run into problems.

Additionally, some modern effects pedals require higher current and some pedals require AC power vs DC.

How many guitar pedals are you powering and what are their voltage requirements?

If considering a multi-pedal power supply, you need to decide if you want something simple like a daisy chain power supply or a multiple outlet power supply. If you need a multiple outlet power supply you need to decide if you need isolated outputs or not.

The advantage of isolated outputs on a power supply is if you have a noisy pedal on one output that noise won't carry over to another output.

What is the proximity to your power source?

Most power supplies will require you to be plugged in to an outlet or extension cord of some kind. However, in recent years, some manufacturers have released great options for wireless, rechargeable power supplies, such as the Mission 529 series.

If you have questions about what kind of power supply will meet your needs best, please reach out using the contact us button! We would love to help you make the best decision for your equipment.