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Vibe Pedals

A vibe pedal, (known as a uni-vibe or vibrato pedal, is a modulation effect that can produce sounds similar to a chorus pedal or phaser pedal.
It originally was created to try to emulate the sound of a Leslie speaker.
Although it did not accurately reproduce the sound, the vibe effect it created has stuck around.

Macdaddy Music sells a variety of vibe pedals from brands such as Dunlop, Keeley, Electro-Harmonix, Red Witch, and Wampler.

What is a vibe pedal?

A vibe pedal, also known as a uni-vibe pedal, is a modulation effect for your electric guitar that can produce sounds similar to the chorus or phaser effects. It was created as an attempt to reproduce the sounds of a Leslie speaker.

What makes a vibe pedal different from a chorus or phaser pedal?

A vibe pedal offers a sound that's more of a rotation sound (think a Leslie speaker sound), while a chorus doubles a signal giving the impression of multiple guitars playing at once, while a phaser gives the impression more of a "whooshing" sound as the frequency peak moves across the EQ spectrum.

Who uses a uni-vibe pedal?

Jimi Hendrix was the master of effects and included a uni-vibe on his pedalboard. You can hear the effect in songs such as Hey Baby, Izabella, and Country Blues.

Where does a vibe effect go in my chain?

Even though vibe is technically part of the modulation category, many people place their vibe effect before their overdrive effects for a better sound.

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